
The project aims to enhance the climate and disaster resilience of the most vulnerable human settlements in three southern provinces of Lao PDR by increasing sustainable access to basic infrastructure systems and services, emphasizing resilience to storms, floods, droughts, landslides, and disease outbreaks. The project combines many horizontally and vertically interrelated policy, planning, and capacity development initiatives, and provides resilient infrastructure and services in target settlements that are vulnerable to climate hazards.


Component 1

Strengthening institutions to reduce vulnerability in human settlements

Component 2

Building capacity at the human settlement and community level for climate resilience

Component 3

Enhancing climate and disaster resilient infrastructure systems in human settlements

Component 4

Building knowledge management and advocacy for climate resilience.


Lao PDR stands as one of the world’s most climate-vulnerable countries, primarily due to its heavy reliance on climate-sensitive natural resources and limited adaptive capacity. The country has witnessed a growing impact of natural hazards, including floods, droughts, and storms, which frequently lead to secondary threats like landslides, fires, infestations, and disease outbreaks, resulting in annual loss of life and significant harm to livelihoods and infrastructure. Anticipating the exacerbated effects of climate change, where wet seasons intensify and dry seasons become more arid, these hazards are poised to escalate in both frequency and intensity.

Project Details

  • Project Title: Enhancing the climate and disaster resilience of the most vulnerable rural and emerging urban human settlements in Lao PDR
  • Status: Project Completed
  • Geographic Coverage: Attapeu, Sekong and Saravan provinces
  • Duration: Feb 2017 – Aug 2024
  • Budget for UN-Habitat component:$4,500,000.00
  • Partnership: Ministry and Department of Public Works and Transport; Nam Papa State Enterprises; Ministry and Department of Natural Resources and Environment; Department of Health
  • Donor: The Adaptation Fund 
  • Shortened Project Title: Resilient Communities

Featured Outputs

Village Vulnerability Infographic Generator

UN-Habitat has undergone data collection for climate change vulnerability assessment located in the provinces of Attapeu, Saravane, and Sekong in Laos. As part of a communications strategy, UN-Habitat has developed PDF and hard-copy based infographics for each village (total of 189) populated with the data and statistics collected from data collection. Manually creating or editing each village profile Infographic can be cumbersome and time intensive. To streamline the process for efficiency, UN-Habitat has developed this system to automate the Infographic file generation process. Read more here.

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