
Date: 18 – 26 February 2024

Location: Attapue, Sekong, Saravane provinces

participants: UN-Habitat Lao PDR Team

Event Background: With funding from the Adaptation Fund, UN-Habitat has initiated a project aimed at enhancing the climate and disaster resilience of the most vulnerable human settlements in three southern provinces of Laos. The project focuses on increasing sustainable access to basic infrastructure systems and services, particularly emphasizing resilience to storms, floods, droughts, landslides, and disease outbreaks. As part of the project, small-scale water supply systems have been established to provide clean water resources for residents in villages across the three southern provinces and to support sanitation facilities.

In February 2024, the UN-Habitat Laos team revisited 25 villages in the three southern provinces, conducting a functionality check on the 25 small-scale water supply systems implemented as part of the project.

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