Support Monitoring SDG indicator 11.3.2

June 1
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Act now to save SDG 11.3.2

There is a pressing concern regarding the significant lack of data for SDG 11.3.2 indicator that measures participation in urban planning processes, which is key to building sustainable cities and communities. This indicator is crucial for fostering sustainable cities and communities, especially in rapidly urbanizing countries like Lao PDR.

We need your action to collect enough data and avoid SDG 11.3.2 indicator from being removed from the SDG Global Database.

With only six years left to reach the 2030 timelines for SDGs, we still have less than 30% of countries collecting data for this very important indicator. In Lao PDR, where urbanization rates are among the highest in Southeast Asia, monitoring SDG 11.3.2 is vital to ensure sustainable urban development and effective community involvement.

We have developed a new data collection and monitoring tool in the form of a user-friendly survey that:

· Will just take three minutes of your time to complete.

· Can be translated into any language.

· Includes a global map that shows immediate results and the opportunity to compare them with cities worldwide.

Please join us to safeguard this crucial indicator and ensure the continued advancement of our cities towards a more sustainable future. We implore you to contribute your responses to the data collection and share the tool with partners and stakeholders. Help us secure 8000 data points for safeguarding SDG 11.3.2 indicator.

Access the tool:

Thank you for your invaluable support.

Save SDG 11.3.2 Indicator


Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic Republic + Google Map

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